15.6. paivalla oli koulun ylioppilasseremonia. Minakin sain todistuksen :) Tai no, diplomin, jossa lukee mun nimi :D Illalla oli ylpparijuhlat Pachucan isoimmassa juhlapaikassa, Finestrassa. Abeja ei nyt niin kauheasti ollut, mutta kun lisaa siihen kaikkien perheet, niin vakea kylla riitti! Koulun fiestaksi tosi hyvat juhlat, kesti melkein aamu viiteen!
3 Pachucan vaihtaria on jo lahtenyt omiin maihinsa: Henrique (bras.), Perrine (ransk.) ja Livia (bras.). Yksi brassipoika lahti kyllakin jo talvella, mutta hanta nyt ei lasketa. Ma oon viiminen, joka lahtee (15.7.), WUHUUU!!! Ennen kuin ketaan lahti, yksi valokuvaaja otti meista vaihtareista kuvia (ehka noin miljoona) Pachucan vanhassa keskustasta. Liitin muutaman kuvan.
Pari kuvaa liitin tanne myos Mexico Cityn reissusta Brendan perheen kanssa. Mentiin kaymaan yhdessa taideakatemiassa ja valtavassa museossa (museo antropología)! Oli tosi mielenkiintoista, kaikki meksikon historiasta. Mexico Citykin voi olla pieni paikka, tormasin nimittain Oonaan, yhteen suomalaisvaihtariin! Oli tosi jannaa puhua suomea.... Toisin sanoen, puhe kuulosti ihan vieraalta omaan korvaankin...
Vinkki! Alkaa ikina leipoko karjalanpiirakoita ilman ruisjauhoja! Pidettiin leipomisilta kavereiden kanssa, ja taytyy sanoa, etta en ole ikina nahnyt yhta rumia karjalanpiirakoita tai korvapuusteja...
→ ENGLISH 18 days til I leave Mexico!!!!!!! My feelings are kind of 50/50. Almost 50 weeks have passed in Mexico and the thought about going back home to all "normal" seems great! Bue I've got used to the life here too, my home is here as well. Saying good bye to everyone and everything will be very sad. Pero así son siempre las despedidas.
6/15 we had the graduation ceremony. I got a diploma as well :) Well, it only says my name but I'm glad anyway :D In the night we went to the graduation party in Finestra, the biggest salong in Pachuca. There aren't that many graduated students, but when you count all the students and their families together, there were a loooot of people! It was a great school party, ended roundabout 5am!
3 Pachuca Exchange students have already returned to their countries: Henrique and Livia (Brazil) and Perrine (France). I'm the last one to return, WHOOHOOO!!! When all of us still were here, we had a photoshoot in the old centrum of Pachuca. Belove you can see few of them (the photographer took maybe a million potos..)
You can also see some potos of my trip to Mexico City with Brenda and her family. We visited an art academy and a huuuuge antropolic museum! It was really interesting to learn more about the history of Mexico. Mexico City might have a population of 20 million people, but still it can be a small place.. Because I saw a Finnish Exchange student :D It was really weird to speak Finnish. Read: I had a hard time remembering how to speak my own mother language!
¡HASTA LUEGO! ¡¡¡NOS VEMOS PRONTO!!! (Nahdaan pian)
Adios Henrique :( Eka vaihtari, joka lahti Pachucasta. Kuvassa myos saksalainen Lukas - The first Exchange student who left Pachuca. In the picture also Lukas |
Livia (bras.), Hanna (saks./german), Annika (saks./german), mina, Henrique (bras.), Perrine (ransk./french) |
Academia de arte - Pieni taidemuseo/koulu Mexico Cityssa - Small art museum/ school in Mexico City |
Museo antropología |
Ylppariseremonia - The graduation ceremony - mina, Bren, Angie |
Bren, Xchel, mina |
Ylppari fiesta - The graduation party :) |