Saturday, July 14, 2012

update .

Guarantee form-papereissa selitetään kaikenlaista koulusta, host-perheestä,
host-Rotary-klubista jne. >>> Guarantee forms. They explain all kind of stuff
about the school, host-family, host-Rotary-club etc.
Käyntikortteja 250 kpl >>> Business cards x250
Suomi-pinssejä, vai mitä 'badgeja' ovatkaan. Virhemarginaalista johtuen
pinssejä valmistui vain alle 100 :( >>> Pins !!! Or whatever badges they like
being called for .. Made nearly 100 of them.
 Näin siinä joskus käy, kun yrittää opetella espanjaa. >>>
Instead of learning Spanish I painted Chinese calligraphy ..
You never know
if that'd help you with Spanish !!
Edustan Suomen kansaa tämä (upea :O) takki päälläni >>> I will
represent the nation of Finland wearing this very jersey.
Though Saaga is testing the pins at the moment
'Come on put your name on it' - Rihanna (Birthday cake)
 Raakasmoothie = Kaakaota, auringonkukansiemeniä, chia-siemeniä, hunajaa,
avokadoa .. >>> Cocoa, sunseeds, chia seeds, honey, avocado
.. I <3 raw smoothies !
'What a wonderful world'


  1. i havent heard from you for awhile what's up with you!! :p i am not is getting myself ready (not really ready :p)for the up coming exams. arrr i hate exam >.,< oh by the way i also want you to do me a favor, please :p but don't be scared i won't ask you to send me any hot maxican men or something. HA! but instead, i have several questions which are needed to be completed by your answers. so please write me soon okay?
    Natttttttttttttttttttt <3 <3

  2. and by the way, The Syrian Civil War is a heartbreaking. i did not see it on the news because my tv is broken (my real pain as well) but there're tons of the vdo clips on youtube and omg i was like... wtf? how can one dictatorial man do all that to the people who need to be protected instead of giving them a shitty civil war.

  3. Ummmh .. The reason why u haven´t heard about me is that I´ve been too lazy to upload my many many photos to my laptop >_< Right now I was uploading them .. Jaja I won´t have real exams in a year :D YES u can send me questions if u want to and I try to reply ur e-mail asap.
    I agree with u 100% :( The Syrian Civil War is so wrong and sad.
    -- A

  4. + The photos are the reason why I haven´t updated my BLOG, but otherwise I´ve been too lazy and busy to send e-mails (days go by so fast in Mexico) :P
